Why is Project Management Important?

What is Project Management?
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to schedule, create and track specific requirements that meet or exceed expectations. An experienced creative director knows how to hire the right people, direct the path, and follow the project’s progress.

Why Do Companies Use Project Management?
To produce desired results in a defined period of time, using specific resources and staying within an approved budget.

Developing a Project Schedule
Most directors, including myself, create a schedule using the deadline as the point of reference and then work backwards to plan and execute the tasks. Cloud-based tracking software can also be helpful when working with a creative team.

Assessing the Risks and Budget Concerns
Risks should be assessed in the beginning so that the project will still meet its deadline despite obstacles. Examples of obstacles are: a key employee becomes ill during project, loss of data due to technical/computer problems, or a client not providing information when it’s needed. Additional time should be added to the schedule prior to commencement to cover possible risks. Additional cost also should be built-in to the budget to insure that money isn’t lost.