About the Artwork

Each person has a unique personality and, just like a fingerprint, no two are exactly alike. I challenged myself to see if I could create art for each blog post by using my fingerprints. I rolled oil based paint onto a paper pallet and gently pressed while rolling each finer into the paint and transferring it onto watercolor paper. Then the fun began. Looking at the shapes, I could see how they could turn into part of an illustration and I added the elements in black pen.

It reminded me of a game I played with my childhood friend on rainy or showy days when we couldn’t venture outside. We called the game “5 Lines.”  We would take a blank sheet of paper and draw 5 lines on it – they could be straight, curved or a combination of both. After drawing the lines in pen, so you couldn’t change them, we would exchange it with the other person and tell them a subject or theme, such as a holiday, place or scene. Then we would draw for the next half hour or so and incorporate those 5 lines in the drawing. It was amazing to see what each created and the affect that 5 simple lines could have on the imagination.

I hope this inspires you to have some fun with your next blog!